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Автор публикации: Гость
Публикацию прочитали: 1587 раз(а)
К публикации написали: 0 ответ(ов)
Дата публикации: 19.05.2024
Helicon Filter - это полнофункциональный графический редактор c интуитивно понятным интерфейсом, быстрым предварительным просмотром, контекстно-зависимой помощью в нижней части экрана которые гарантируют легкую обработку фотографий для новичков. Программа построена шаг за шагом как последовательность действий, проводя Вас через все стадии обработки фотографий. Некоторые из самых интересных и уникальных особенностей: Голосовые комментарии; Фильтрация пыли на сенсоре; Компенсация дымки; Регулирование спектральной чувствительности; Фильтр хроматической аберрации; Виньетирование и коррекция искажений; Складывание изображений для уменьшения шума или увеличения динамического диапазона при обработки фотографий. Helicon Filter также имеет множество продвинутых особенностей обработки фотографий, которые привлекут внимание профессиональных фотографов.

Helicon Filter is a complete image editing solution for the digital photographer. Its easy and intuitive interface, live preview feature, and in context help ensure an easy start for beginners. The program is built as step by step workflow guiding you through all post processing stages. Helicon Filter is also full of advanced features which attract professional photographers.

Helicon Filter features:

File management:
* Voice comments and video playback
* Support for all popular file types including all RAW
* Fast folder browser
* Lossless rotate, copy, delete, move operations
* Template-based rename
* Full EXIF and IPTC information
* Support of color profiles

Noise reduction:
* Noise level auto detection
* Selective noise reduction in highlights and shadows, in defined hue, in color range.
* Dead pixels filter (v.4.50+)
* Dust sensor filter (v.4.50+)

* Gradient haze compensation (v.4.50+)
* Brightness equalizer/curve
* Brightness in Highlights, Shadows
* Contrast, Gamma, Exposure
* Local contrast
* Levels (black point, white point)

* One-click White Balance tool
* Color map and RGB sliders for manual WB
* Memory colors list (several skin types, green, sky, etc.)
* Saturation for bright and dull colors
* Equalizer for selective saturation
* Spectral sensitivity controls
* Black&White conversion
* Exposure warnings

* Reduction of chromatic aberration on high contrast areas (e.g. sun behind the tree)

* Fine details extraction
* Edge sharpening
* Threshold to keep noise from sharpening
* White halo control
* Equalizer to sharpen only selected color ranges.

* Vignetting correction
* Barrel/pincushion correction
* Perspective correction
* Rotation, squeezing, stretching
* Skewing, bending

* Presets for popular paper sizes, monitor resolutions, mobile phones
* Proportional selection (e.g. 2:3, 3:4, user defined)
* Batch crop/resize

* Blurred or black&white image as a frame texture
* Color picker to choose frame color

* Placeholders for EXIF data (date, ISO, aperture, etc).
* Several text styles including embossed, shadowed, semi-transparent, inverted text

* 'Delete scratches' brush to remove scratches, wires, pimples on the face, etc.
* 'Clone' brush
* 'Change brightness' brush to make some areas darker or brighter
* 'Change color' brush to paint with color or to change the hue keeping the brightness the same
* 'Change saturation' brush
* 'Blur/sharpen' brush
* 'Reduce noise' brush
* 'Fix red eye' brush
* 'Distort' brush to fix protruding ears and similar problems
* 'Erase changes' brush to delete effect of the brushes and/or filters
* All brushes can be edge-sensitive
* Undo/redo is available

* Image can be saved to disk, emailed, printed
* Save dialog shows file size for give JPEG quality
* JPEG, JPEG2000, TIFF (24 bit, 48 bit, lzw compression), PNG, PSD, BMP formats are supported

Advanced features:
* Creation of high dynamic range images
* Multiprocessor support
* Batch processing
* Support of external plug-ins
* User settings support
* 16 bit precision image processing

OС: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Интерфейс: ML / English, Русский

Тип: Бесплатно
Категория: Мультимедиа, подкатегория: Разное


Оценка материала:  5.0|Всего оценок: 1|

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